Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Critique of Critique

On Thursday, March 5th, 2015, the Big Jolly Politics political blog posted an article titled The not-so conservative Texas Senate. In this article, the writer mentions how lieutenant governor is "proposing to break the spending cap." The writer provided links to articles they also were critiquing and even quoted said articles in his article. The writer makes a mention on how the lieutenant governor isn't doing it directly, but instead that "they want to trick the voters of Texas into doing it for them." This of course brings up the issue about un-informed voters being persuaded into voting for certain propositions, either because of party identity(where everyone else in the party could be voting for it), or just simply only knowing the surface of it. The writer goes on to show props to another man, one whom is a radio host, for "railing about the Rainy Day Fund," which he too is against. He continues on, without going too much into detail other than mentioning how the proposal is meant to give them the power to spend more money, which he then adds EMPHAZISE into. He continues on to mentioning another writer(who's article seems to be missing,) one of which he seems to give a certain notoriety to and who also seems to mention the issue while at the same time linking to another article, which also had weighed in on the issue. He ends the article with saying "Thanks goodness we have a conservative Speaker of the House, Joe Straus" which I found amusing that he felt the need to add that little tidbit.